Policy Statements - INDUSTRY PARTNERS


Passed by the NKF 28 September 2002 (amended Nov 2019)

The National Kidney Federation (NKF) has a working relationship with many industry partners and this works to great advantage. The nature of the support that an industry partner may give can vary, but essentially it usually comprises of an annual donation to assist with the costs of our core activity, office and staffing, plus assistance either practical or financial with a particular project that will assist kidney patients.

The NKF always likes to establish a close working relationship with these industry partners and in particular likes to encourage the relationships to be long term.

It is of prime importance to the NKF that its “commercial neutrality and transparency” is scrupulously preserved so that the interests of one company over another are not advanced by the NKF, or the interests of an industry partner are not put before the interests of kidney patients or carers. The independence of the National Kidney Federation is one of its most important assets, and it is one reason why Government is prepared to listen to the NKF over and above commercial bodies. This independence will never be sacrificed in return for financial support.