Wednesday 28th August at 5 PM

This webinar will focus on Sexual Relationships in kidney failure with Dr. Nadia Sarween - Renal Medicine Consultant at University Hospitals Birmingham. This webinar will cover essential topics such as fertility in CKD, the effect of CKD on libido, contraception and pre-pregnancy considerations in CKD. A live question and answer session will also be available towards the end of the webinar.

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Our most recent webinar on June 19th at 5 PM featured Joanne Casey (Podiatrist, Senior Research Assistant) and Dr. Ljubisa Paden (Nurse, Senior Lecturer) discussing the importance of maintaining good foot health for individuals living with kidney disease.

The webinar covered essential topics such as proper foot hygiene, care and management. Additionally, it emphasised how patients can support healthcare professionals in delivering best practice pathways, providing patient education, encouraging shared decision making, and offering personalised care. Participants also learned where to seek help and advice.

Watch the webinar here:

A medicines delivery service, how can it benefit and support you as a patient living with kidney disease

Our webinar took place on April 16th with the UK’s biggest homecare medicines delivery provider. Homecare can be described as a service that delivers ongoing medicine supplies and associated care, initiated by your hospital, directly to your home. The purpose of the homecare medicines service is to improve patient care and the choice of clinical treatment.

Homecare services are provided to over 250,000 patients in the UK representing £1.5 billion of the £4 billion spent on hospital medicines.

It was an opportunity to learn more and ask questions about these homecare services.

You can watch the webinar below:

Matching for Transplant - A guide to compatibility and blood tests 

This webinar took place on Tuesday 12th September, this time we teamed up with PKD charity, the speaker was Dr Judith Worthington - Principal Clinical Scientist.


How can a Kidney Patient Association (KPA) support you and why should you be a member?

This webinar took place on Wednesday, August 30th The webinar explained what local Kidney Patient Associations do, including helping one another, holding social events, getting closer links with your local hospital or how you can give something back.

The presenters were David Coyle, NKF Chairman and Manchester Royal Infirmary KPA Officer, Fiona Broomhead, NKF Fundraising and Office Administrator, Lupinta Molina, Kent KPA’s NKF Representative and Sharon Orpen, Dudley KPA, KPA officer.

If you did miss the webinar you can watch it by clicking the YouTube link below.

Patients Know Best App 

This webinar took place on Wednesday 1st March 2023 via zoom.

Patients Know Best (PKB) is a new social enterprise and technology platform. It’s designed to help health and social care providers bring together patient data, along with the patient’s own data and is a re-platform transition from the previous system that renal patients may be familiar with, PatientView.

The new platform, Patients Know Best, creates one secure Personal Health Record (PHR) for the patient. It is the first PHR to integrate with the NHS App making it accessible to more people across the UK.

Many renal patients now use this app since the transition from PatientView, but do you fully understand how the app works? 

The webinar was joined by the team behind Patients Know Best to discuss the PHR and it's integration within the NHS App. 

The presenters were ...

Ron Cullen - Chief Executive, UK Kidney Association

Retha Steenkamp - Medical Statistician at UK Renal Registry

Darryl Nicholas - Patients Know Best

Mohammad Al-Ubaydli - Patients Know Best 

To watch the webinar again please click the YouTube link below. 

On the evening of the webinar there was too many questions to get through, please click on the file to see questions and answers plus some updates. finalqasfornkfwebinar1.3.23.docx.pdf 

If you currently use PatientView (PV), your record will stop being updated with data during the early part of 2023. Kidney patients wanting to continue to access test results and communicate with their care teams need to join PKB.

To ensure you continue to see your kidney data, from your unit when PV is switched off, make sure you register for your PKB record now by visiting Your existing data in PV will be ready to view in your PKB record. 

Your local kidney centre and UK Kidney Association control when your data can be seen in PKB. PKB shows the data as soon as we receive it. If there are any delays to your data showing up, then the UKKA has to check:

  • Has the renal unit/kidney centre sent the data to the UKKA?
  • Has UKKA sent the data to PKB?

The UKKA are soon to release a new data dashboard, which will enable local kidney centres to sync the data themselves. Once this happens you will be able to go directly to your centre to resolve any delay/missing data.

If you need any guidance during the sign up process, you can contact PKB here for additional support.  

Healthy eating with diabetes and kidney disease and looking forward to Christmas

On Wednesday 8th December we were joined by Joanna Pulman, Kidney Dietitian to give us advice coming up to the festive period. Joanna was joined by two special guests, Stephen Miller who is a kidney patient and loves cooking and coming up with new recipes and Hattie Stiff, a young kidney patient with her views on food in a modern world as a kidney patient.

After the presentation, there was a live Q&A session, to watch the webinar again please click the YouTube link below. 

An insight into Renal Pharmacy

On Wednesday 28th September 2022, we were joined by Kathrine Parker MPharm MFRPSII MSc(dist) NMP. A highly specialist Renal Pharmacist- NIHR clinical doctoral fellow from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Robert Brown Senior Specialist Pharmacist – Renal and Transplant at North Bristol NHS Trust.

We looked at all aspects of medication for kidney patients and the role of the Renal Pharmacist.

After the presentation, there was a live Q&A session, to watch the webinar again please click the YouTube link below.

Webinar Feedback

The NKF are always looking to improve their patient support services, with your help, could you please spare a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire with your feedback about the recent webinar, An Insight into Renal Pharmacy. Please find the following document as a word document or PDF to complete. Please return the document by emailing to [email protected]

If you would like further information regarding medication, please find the below NKF Helpline leaflets below:

Katherine Parker also joined us last year for our Annual Patients' Event discussing the role of a Kidney Pharmacist. To re-watch her presentation from the event, please click the YouTube link below.

Previous NKF webinars to watch again

    If you have any questions for the speakers, please email - [email protected]