NKF Honorary President Receives MBE as Part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

Kirit Modi, Honorary President for the National Kidney Federation (NKF) and the National Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Transplant Alliance (NBTA) was recognised for his work by the Queen this week.

The kidney advocate and transplant recipient was honoured with an MBE as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for the longstanding services to organ donation, particularly within the Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) area.

As an Honorary President, Kirit has often  spoken at the All Party Parliamentary Kidney Group meetings and has written two Manifestos for change covering BAME issues and living kidney donation.

Committed to the role of service, Kirit is also Chairman for the Lister Area Kidney Patients Association (LAKPA), Chair of the Jain and Hindu Steering Group on Organ Donation (JHOD) and is a member of the project board for the Community Investment Scheme run by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT).

In 2018, Kirit was awarded a Points of Light Award from the Prime Minister for his work on organ donation.

Expressing his gratitude to colleagues and being awarded the MBE, Kirit said:
“It has been a great pleasure to work with dedicated colleagues in the National Kidney Federation (NKF), National BAME Transplant Alliance (NBTA), Lister Area Kidney Patients Association (LAKPA) and the Jain and Hindu Organ Donation Steering Group (JHOD), to improve the lives of kidney patients and to promote organ donation over many years. I am most grateful to the many NHS staff for the amazing care they have provided to me as a kidney transplant recipient. I am honoured to receive this recognition; it will provide more opportunities to continue my work."

NKF Chief Executive, Andrea Brown commented: “It is wonderful news to hear that Kirit has received an MBE as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours list. He has worked tirelessly for kidney patients for many years and is a wonderful asset to the NKF, as past Chairman and now Honorary President. This is very well deserved, congratulations Kirit.”

NKF Chairman, Jim Higgins also responded to the news: “It is with great pleasure that the NKF can tell everyone that our Honorary President Kirit Modi has been awarded the MBE for his service to organ donation, particularly within the BAME community. He has served the NKF as Executive Committee member, Vice Chairman and Chairman and continues to work tirelessly as Honorary President. I have had the honour to know and work with Kirit for many years and rely on his vast knowledge to help me in my role as Chairman. I would like to add my own congratulations to Kirit, it is most deserved.”